I’m sad because I found out I’m disqualified from entering the LDS Storymakers 1st Chapter contest. I flunked the drug test.


No, actually, there’s a rule I didn’t notice before: if you have a published book–or even a signed contract for one–you are ineligible. Even if said contract won’t be used until the Millenium. I’m sad because I was really looking forward to new eyeballs on my first chapter…that oh, so critical first chapter that must charm the agents I send it to, and charm them quick.

Many of my writing cronies are entering so I feel sort of left out. Odd, no one will feel sorry for me. Meanies.

Instead, I’ve been preparing the So-Called Novel for a different contest, one that has a 150,000 word cap. I’ve been whittling on it all day, and have about 500 or so words to go. Ouch.