cliché made easy

art credit This website makes me giggle. Cliché Finder (also note the URL containing “West Egg”) “…Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word “cat” or “day”...


art: cut paper by Kako Ueda I finally got the actual, made-of-paper book contract for Get Real. I’m ridiculously excited about it. I’m supposed to sign two copies, mail them back, and then they send me back one signed copy. Maybe then they will assign me...

writing/fighting dialogue

photo I love the Writing Excuses podcast. It’s my favorite companion while folding laundry. On a recent episode, the topic was stilted dialogue. One mistake that’s hard to avoid in dialogue is having the characters saying things to each other that they...

pouring poison

I saw this painting on a friend’s blog a couple of days ago and I’ve been in a spasm of angst ever since. Circe Poisons the Sea, by John William Waterhouse In Roman myth, Circe poured poison into the sea to kill a rival sea nymph. This painting has made me...

art imitates life? beet equals dinner?

I saw something on Nathan Bransford’s blog that made me stop and think. (You know, that bigshot agent that sorta looks like Tom Cruise?) He said he often will tell an author that this or that isn’t working, and they’ll reply, “But that’s...