diagnosing my book

Diagnosing my book: From storyfix.com: One or more of the four elemental core competencies – concept, character, theme or story structure – must be exceptionally compelling, original and mind-blowing.  If all four are simply good, that probably isn’t enough to...


At my critique group this week, one of the members handed out the final pages of her novel for our opinion. This is worthy of a hooray. She wrote the beginning, the middle, and the end of a book. Praiseworthy–and actually sort of unique. I mean, how many people...

turn off

One of the hardest part about NaNoWriMo is forcing myself to Turn Off my internal editor, and just let it spew. I find this troublesome. But it’s a good prescription for what ails me: a hyper-perfectionist writer, who polishes and polishes until the life is...

plotting. one good way.

It worked for her. Plotting the Order of the Pheonix: This is the most fascinating image I’ve looked at in a long time. I love seeing into the mind of J.K. Rowling. There’s so much of this I love. Look at the timeline! The various plotlines charted and...